Reconciliation Holy Communion Confirmation
2022 - 2023 Sacramental Dates
Sacramental Preparation 2022-2023
We will soon commence our Sacramental Preparation Program for the Academic Year 2022-23.
We love working with the children and believe that our program will fully prepare the children so that they are ready to receive their Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation in partnership with our parents and parish.
The Sacramental Preparation Team
The program is being delivered with guidance from Father Jan and Gabrielle (Parish Catechist) where necessary. They have provided excellent resources to deepen the knowledge of our children.
The preparation team is built up of the In-School RE team
Mrs Shufflebotham and Mrs Howe: Year 3 - Reconciliation and Holy Communion
Miss Allen and Mrs Swift: Year 6 - Confirmation
Mrs Howe will support both groups
Information for Parents
Year 3 will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Year 6 will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
At St Augustine's, children work with the support of parents, teachers and members of our Parish community to prepare for their Sacraments. This is a very special time as the children take important steps in their faith it is vital that parents and children attend every sacramental meeting that is arranged so that they are fully prepared. Sacramental preparation dates will be sent home with the children.
Attending Family Mass is a wonderful way to show commitment to the Sacramental program. We invite families each half term to celebrate mass together as a school and Parish community. Sunday Mass takes place at 11 a.m. at St. Augustine's Catholic Church.
Please find important communication and documents at the bottom of this page.
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
To support children as they prepare for Holy communion we follow the new additions of 'We share in the Eucharist' and 'We Prepare for Reconciliation.' These offer support and activities for parents and children to complete together.
Candidates for Reconciliation and First Holy Communion should:
Participate in weekly Mass.
Participate in preparation sessions.
Participate in the Holy Communion rehearsals.
During their time of preparation Confirmation candidates will:
Choose a sponsor and meet with them regularly - This should be someone who is a good role model as a faith-filled Catholic. They will be an important companion on this journey.
Choose a Saint name as their Confirmation name - This name should be someone that the candidate looks up to and admires. They should spend time deciding this carefully. It can be a good idea to write about their Saint/ Confirmation name.
Confirmandi should also:
Participate in weekly Mass.
Participate in preparation sessions.
Participate in the Confirmation rehearsals.
Preparing through Prayer
Prayer is communication with God: a dialogue. God is talking to you and you are talking to him. Speak to him, Listen to him. Open your heart to him.
Prayer can help us to prepare for our sacraments, to open our hearts.
Find the Year 3 and Year 6 Formal written prayer check list attached. These prayers are an important part of these special steps in faith.