Pupil Leadership Team
Our Pupil Leadership Team is a group of children who have been selected by peers to represent them and their views. A Pupil Leadership Team provides a meaningful way for our pupils to voice their opinions and have their views taken into account on decisions that impact them. We are passionate about the opportunities that this gives our children to demonstrate leadership and learn about democracy at a local level which in turn helps them understand similar themes in the wider world.
2022-2023 Pupil Leaders are...
Foundation Stage Ellie-Mae and Amelia
Year 3 Isabella
Year 4 Evie
Year 5 George and Darryl
Year 6 Jenson and Isla
Our Mission in 2022-2023 has been given to us by Pope Francis
Our school has been following global news events and have decided to tackle environmental issues facing God's wonderful creation.
The team are researching ways to reduce our environmental impact. Each class is working on a different area, ready to campaign to a number of VIP's around why this must happen at our school!
- Reduce the amount of meat that we eat in school to reduce emissions.
- Introduce recycling facilities at St Augustine’s and the teachers should reduce their use of paper in our lessons, food waste in our kitchen, recycling uniforms to name a few!
- Reduce our energy consumption i.e. carpark pollution and using alternative energy sources in our building
- Make our site animal friendly by increasing natural habitats on site including cleaning up our school and community environment.
- Reduce plastic use at school including our school kitchen.
- Reduce the amount of car journeys we make and use better forms of transport.
We hope to gain our Live Simply Award with CAFOD. If you would like to get involved with our projects please send a message to your child's class teacher using the Dojo.