St. Augustine’s

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 8709352.

Registered office address:-
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Spring Garden Road
Stoke on Trent

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Healthy Lunch

According to advice from the Food Standards Agency, a healthy packed lunch should include:

  • Meat, fish or a dairy source of protein
  • Starchy carbohydrate, such as a wholegrain sandwich, to provide energy
  • At least one portion each of a fruit and vegetable or salad
  • Water or milk to drink, but diluted fruit juice and yogurt drinks or smoothies are acceptable

The key foods to avoid are:

  • Sweets and chocolate
  • Snacks, like crisps, with added salt/sugar/fat
  • Sugary and fizzy drinks
  • Deep-fried foods and processed meats
  • White bread - if children won't eat brown, try wholemeal/white combined sliced bread

St. Augustine's Catholic Academy operates a healthy food policy. Pupils in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are given fruit every day. Children in Key stage 2 may also bring fruit for playtime snacks.

Chocolate, fizzy drinks and sweets etc. are not allowed.

In 2008, strict nutrition content guidelines for primary schools were introduced and extended to secondary schools in September 2009.

They include maximum/minimum levels of energy or calories and 13 different nutrients, including fat, salt and sugars.

The Children's Food Trust - an independent body set up to advise schools on healthy eating - says there are no plans to issue statutory guidance on packed lunches, but it has produced some sample lunchbox menus. Click on the link below to see ideas for healthy lunch boxes.

Healthy Lunch Boxes





Helpful website to provide cheap healthy meals for families.

Recipes to feed the family

BBC Good Food

Jamie Oliver

Weekly menus

 St. Augustine's City Catering Primary Nov - Apr Menu 24-25 Week 1.pdfDownload
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 St. Augustine's City Catering Primary Nov - Apr Menu 24-25 Week 2.pdfDownload
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