Year Five - Class Saint Josephine Bakhita
A very warm welcome to Year Five, where we work together as the hands of Christ to support our spiritual and educational journey. Here you will find lots of information about our learning and achievements! Please see the presentation that was deliver to families on Tuesday 17th September.
Meet the Teacher
Mrs Brown and Mrs Goldson
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Parent Presentation Meet the Teacher 17.9.24.pptx | Download |
Autumn Term
We begin our Year 5 journey learning about Space and Forces in Science, focussing on the Solar System, the phases of the moon and day and night. They will investigate gravity, air resistant and friction. Watch this space for our experiments! In Geography we will then focus on identifying countries and comparing (in detail) North America to the UK. For example, how is tourism different? In History, the children will explore the changing role of the British Monarchy, from its establishment in 1066 to the Tudors and Queen Victoria. Art lessons will delve deeper into the Tudor period creating portraits in the style of Hans Holbein. English texts and learning will focus around the topics above, giving the children an immersive experience and chance to deepen their understanding across the curriculum. In Maths, we will cover: Place Value, Addition & Subtraction, Measure and Statistics. RE lessons will focus on Creation and the Sacrament on the Sick before studying Jesus' parables/miracles and the Holy Season of Advent. The children will be sewing you a Christmas decorations as part of their D.T!
Spring Term
Science looks at properties and change of material, for example, liquids, solids and gases. The children will investigate magnetism, conductivity, dissolving, evaporation and much more! History will then focus on the Industrial Revolution. Why was this a turning point in British History? William Morris will be explored through our Art lessons and we will use printing techniques to design wallpapers. In Geography lessons, children will contemplate the theme 'Enough for Everyone?'. Thinking about their carbon footprint and the distribution of resource around the world. They will then make a plant based bolognese in DT to end their environmental studies. Once again, English work will allow children to dive deeper into their understand of the learning above. In Maths, we will cover Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Time, Fractions, Statistic and Geometry. RE themes include the celebrations of Christmas and Baptism and the season of Lent and Holy Week.
Summer Term
Year 5 Science concludes with Animals (including humans) and Living things and their habitats. They will compare life cycles of a range of animals, changes from birth to old age in humans and reproduction of plants and a range of animals. Mapping skills and field work will make up our final Geography lessons focussing on land use and farming in the UK before moving onto History. In History we will analysis the impact of Industrial Revolution on the Potteries. Watch this space for local visits! Alongside this theme in Art, the children will be creating sculptures in the style of Denis O'Connor, who has created many of the sculptures you will find around Stoke-on-Trent. The class will finish the year with an Engineering project! English texts and learning will focus around the topics above, giving the children an immersive experience and chance to deepen their understanding across the curriculum. Maths will cover percentages, fractions and re-cap of all previous learning. RE work begins with Easter and Pentecost, then moves onto the work of the Apostles, Marriage and Holy Orders.
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Year 5 AUT 24.doc | Download |
Home Learning
Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and tested the following Monday.
Homework in Maths and English are set each Monday, for return on the Friday of the same week.
Termly, Home Learning Passports are sent home to help children retrieve previously taught Key Concepts from the St Augustine's curriculum.
In Year 5, the Home Learning Passport sent home in the Autumn Term, invites children to retrieve Key Concepts from Year 4.
Following Home learning Passports retrieve Key Concepts from our previous Year 5 Key Concepts. Look out for these in the Spring and Summer Term!
In addition to the paper homework, children can access the following websites at home to enhance their curriculum knowledge further.
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Home Learning Passport Retrieve Y5 AUTUMN TERM.docx | Download |
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Home Learning Passport Retrieve Year 4.docx | Download |
Children are encouraged to read at home 5 times a week and they read in class at every opportunity. Please sign their reading diaries once they have read, they will then receive a dojo and a raffle ticket - the more raffle tickets they have the more of a chance they will have at winning a delicious hot chocolate!
Pupils can access Accelerated Reader, to quiz on their books, from home by clicking the link below:
Additionally, the following link will take pupils to an online library of which around 850 books are also part of the Accelerated Reader quizzing portfolio.
PE and Music
We are extremely proud of our P.E. and Music provision at St. Augustine's.
We dedicate:
Tuesday - Music
Thursday - PE
Teachers work alongside expert sports coaches to provide our PE lessons.
In Music, we work alongside professionals from the City Music School and In Harmony, every child will play an instrument as part of an orchestra.
The children will need to wear P.E. kits every Thursday consisting of black/navy joggers/shorts, the school logo PE shirt and school jumpers and school shoes throughout the day. Indoor or outdoor shoes to be brought in each week depending on the topic. Topics will be shared on Dojo. Earrings and any jewelry must be removed for PE.
Young Graduates
All children have provision until 4pm everyday following the normal end to the school day at 3.15pm. These sessions are providing the children with essential knowledge and opportunities to consolidate aspects in the curriculum. The sessions will help children to become more confident in the required skills and understanding. The children will continue to work on their English and Maths, but will also have the opportunity to take part in some sports related activities to develop their socio-emotional skills as well as support general mental well-being. Children in Year 5 can attend the following;
Monday - Bee Active Sports OR Computing Club
Tuesday - In Harmony Orchestra OR Homework Club
Wednesday - Science Club OR Art Club
Thursday - Girls Football & Netball Club OR History Club
Friday - Design and Technology Club OR Stoke City Football Club (paid club)
Please pay all 'paid clubs' in advance, via your parent apps.
Click here for RE prayers and learning resources.
Click here to access key policies.
Maths - this half term's KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts)
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Year 5 - Spring 1 -recognise equivalent fractions and decimals.pdf | Download |
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Year 5 - Autumn 2 - identify prime numbers up to 20.pdf | Download |
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Year 5 - Autumn 1 - find factor pairs of a number.pdf | Download |