St. Augustine’s

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 8709352.

Registered office address:-
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Spring Garden Road
Stoke on Trent

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Welcome to Year Four - St. John Bosco 

Class Teacher - Mrs Brown


 Autumn Term

The Autumn Term in Year Four is our first fantastic term! We start off with Science and learning all about 'Sound' then 'Electricity'. You will learn so much about how both sound and electricity are made, how we can affect it, measure it as well as developing scientific skills in enquiry, pattern seeking and comparative testing. We then commence the Humanities subjects - Geography and History. Our Geography will deepen your knowledge about London and use this to make comparisons with the European city of Warsaw. In History, we go Greek as we study the ancient civilisation. We will find out about their life, philosophers, inventors and the amazing legacy they left for us today; we will also understand how it all fits into the chronology of our world's historical timeline. Next we study our Art, which is all about sculpture and we will use materials to replicate works inspired by Benvenuto Cellini. In Design & Technology we will be getting busy in the kitchen and exploring recipes and making them too. PE, Music, Computing and French run all through the term and we will have experts to help us along the way. Trips are planned and so are visitors to our class to make the Autumn Term a fun and memorable learning experience.


Spring Term

After Christmas, our Spring Term kicks off with Science where we will investigate 'States of Matter' and the changes that liquids, solids and gases go through. After this, we get straight into Humanities...our Geography deepens our knowledge about the United Kingdom as we explore the mountains and rivers of our country and how they are formed. In History, we go to battle with the Anglo-Saxons and discover their life, settlements and legacy. Next, is Design & Technology when we learn about the design process in greeting cards and link this to our RE and Easter with moving parts and linkages. Art sees us being inspired by the artist Hannah Hoch, as we develop skills in collage to create our own masterpieces! We build on our Music skills, Computing knowledge, language development in French and also our athletic ability in PE throughout the whole term. More trips, visitors and exciting experiences in class will round off another super term in Year Four. 


Summer Term

In our final term in Year Four, Science is very busy with 2 big topics; Animals Including Humans, which is all about our digestive system and Living Things and Their Habitats, when we explore the impact of habitats on a specie's survival. In Geography we will compare the locations of the Midlands and the South West and also find out about how the geography of an area impacts careers and the local economy. History follows on with a look at the Vikings and how the power transferred from the Anglo-Saxons. In Art, we will take inspiration from The Staffordshire Hoard and practise our pencil drawings, sketching and design our own hoard too! Design & Technology comes next and we will have our very own Great British Sewing Bee! We will be using textiles and following the design process to create our very own stuffed toy - for yourself or maybe a gift? By this point in the school year, we will be very accomplished with our Music, Computing and French and will be involved in events with PE too.


In all terms we will be following our RE program, Living As the People of God, and also our RSE scheme - Ten Ten - which explores Relationships and Sex Education, carefully planned for our Year Four class. 


Our Maths and English runs alongside all of or termly learning. In Maths, we have a big focus on securing all of our timetables and related division facts and in English we are becoming more accomplished in our writing and fostering a continued love of reading because in Year Four WE LOVE BOOKS! 


After 3 AMAZING terms in Year Four, you will be ready for Year Five...

Click here for Prayer at Home resources 


Please see below for our base Year Four Timetable. The after-school provision (Young Graduates) can be found further down on our class page. 

Please speak to the office team about after-school provision if you are unable to book this through your SIMs Parent app.


Homework is set every Monday. 

The children are set a piece of Maths and English as well as their weekly spelling list to learn too. They should be handed in on, or before, the following Friday morning. We also use TT Rockstars to provide learning that supports essential knowledge for Key Stage 2 and links to consolidation of classroom learning. All children in Year 4 are familiar with this site and have logins for it. If your child needs a log in reminder, please contact me through Class Dojo. 

Reading on a minimum of 3 occasions at home is also a homework expectation for Year 4. Please ensure that the Reading Diary is regularly kept up to date with a log of home reading.

Maths Factor 



PE and Music

We are extremely proud of our P.E. and Music provision at St. Augustine's! We have Primary PE coaches expertly delivering many of our P.E. sessions throughout the year. In Music, we are learning how to play the flute and clarinet and we are also learning what it is like to be in an orchestra. Music is every Tuesday, so please bring in your instrument on this day.

Your child will take part in PE lessons each Thursday. Please arrive at school for PE wearing black joggers/leggings/shorts, the school logo PE shirt and school jumpers and school shoes throughout the day. Indoor or outdoor shoes to be brought in each week depending on the topic. Earrings and other jewellery must be removed for PE. 

Children must wear the correct PE kit and earrings must be removed for PE. If your child is unable to take them out themselves, please ensure they are removed in the morning, before school.


Music Day: Tuesday

PE Day: Thursday*

* During Summer 1, we will be swimming at our on-site pool everyday, w/c 15th April for 4 weeks




Children are expected to read at home each day with an adult. Please complete their Reading Diary with your comments and signature once they have read. If children have read books from home, as well as their assigned school book, please do comment in the Reading Diary and tell us about these too!

Pupils can access Accelerated Reader, to quiz on their books, from home by clicking the link below:

Accelerated Reader

Additionally, the following link will take pupils to an online library of which around 850 books are also part of the Accelerated Reader quizzing portfolio. 

Texts for the whole school

Extended School

All children have provision until 4pm everyday following the normal end to the school day at 3.15pm. These sessions are providing the children with essential knowledge and opportunities to consolidate aspects in the curriculum. The sessions will help children to become more confident in the required skills and understanding. The children will continue to work on their English and Maths, but will also have the opportunity to take part in some sports related activities to develop their socio-emotional skills as well as support general mental well-being. 


Provision in the Summer Term 2024:

Monday - Curriculum

Tuesday - Orchestra

Wednesday Lunchtime - Prayer Club and Minnie Vinnies

Wednesday - Little Athletes (paid club)

Thursday – Care Club (paid club)

Friday – Sports with Bee Active - children will need their PE kit in school on this day.

Multiplication Check Parent Workshop 

This Year the Children will take part in the Multiplication Check. Please watch this video to find out more about the check and how to support your child. Below are some useful websites where the children can practice their times tables, at home. 



Times Table Website

Times Table Website

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