St. Augustine’s

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 8709352.

Registered office address:-
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Spring Garden Road
Stoke on Trent

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Welcome to Year One - "St Francis of Assisi"

Class Teacher: Mrs Manlove

Welcome to Year One  

A very warm welcome to Year One; thank you for taking the time to visit our page we are so happy to see you here. In Year One, we work together as the hands of Christ to support our spiritual and educational journey in growing and supporting each other throughout our learning. We support our children to thrive throughout the school day with plenty of opportunity to explore and learn through unique experiences, whilst also encouraging children to grow in faith. Check out our resources to see how you can support your child's spiritual journey.

Please take your time to look through our page to see what we have been doing so far this year and keep an eye on exciting things to come! 


Autumn Term

Throughout this term, children will explore 'materials' in Science, conducting lots of experiments to investigate the properties and uses of manmade and natural materials! We will be learning more about the textures and properties of the materials in depth. We will learn more about our local heritage and the things that make Stoke-on-Trent great through our 'Living and Working in Meir' topic; allowing the children to understand how their local area has changed over time. Josiah Wedgwood will drive the children's creativity through our History topic, with Clarice Cliff being the focus within our Art unit. Sewing skills will form the base of our DT project, where children will practice their threading skills to make a class beanstalk! Our learning will be extended through a range of exciting experiences and visits, keep your eyes peeled for our exciting visit to Wedgwood.

Spring Term

Now the children have a deep understanding of our local area, we will begin to explore the United Kingdom and it's countries and capital cities. History will look at transport throughout History and we will also visit RAF Cosford. Our artist focus for this term will be John Constable, allowing the children to experiment through the media of paint with varying tones and textures. At this stage, the children have a wonderful understanding of transport and the engineering industry, allowing them to become experts through the medium of levers and sliders within DT. In Science they will learn all about the human body and animals, talking about habitat and diet.

Summer Term

There is so much to learn from being outside! During the summer term the children will use our outdoor areas to study the weather and seasons and how these have an effect on plants. Watch out for the Year 1 Climate Change Protest! We will continue our learning of the weather by focusing on careers, and how jobs can be affected by the changing weather. Our new love of the outdoors will be explored through studying Georgia O'Keefe and her abstract flower drawings. To end a very exciting year, keep an eye out for your Royal Tea Party invitation to secure our learning of Queen Elizabeth II and cooking within DT. 


Year 1 timetable


Our PE day is on a Friday; we do ask that the children come to school wearing their PE kit each Friday. This includes black/dark unbranded trainers, black tracksuit and the school branded PE top. You will be advised via Dojo if PE is indoor or outdoor. Earrings must be removed for PE. 



In addition to our dedicated PE day at St Augustine's we are passionate about the Arts and work alongside professional musicians from the City Music Service to enable all of our children to take part in orchestral performances. The children in Year 1 will be learning as a choir and taking part in 'Songbirds' with Mr Smith on Tuesday. The Year 1 Songbirds Choir will perform at Victoria Hall at Christmas and the end of the school year!



On a Wednesday children have expert French tuition with 'Mrs Lloyd'. Children will be learning key phrases, colours, numbers and take part in cultural activities. 


Homework and Reading 

Children are expected to read at least four times a week. They will be sent a Little Wandle reading book to develop their fluency as part of our phonics scheme, as well as a Library book for enjoyment. 

Phonics/Writing and Maths homework will be sent home every Tuesday to be returned the following Monday. 

Children will also have the opportunity throughout the year to bring home the prayer bag. 


'Young Graduates' Extended School Provision

Activities run daily for Year 1 from 7.45 -  4pm at St Augustine's. Care Club can also be arranged until 5.30pm. Please see the  options below;

Breakfast Club: 7.45 - 8.45 - (fee paying)

Monday PM: Geography Club - free

Tuesday PM: Homework Club - free

Wednesday PM: Little Athletics 'All Sports' (fee-paying) or Art club - free

Thursday AM 8.15: Family Phonics in Early Years  (free) 

Thursday PM: Maths Club Free

Friday PM :  Design and Technology - free


Payment and Booking via ParentPay/SIMS




Click here for RE prayer and learning resources.


More about St Augustine's Catholic Academy 

Find our home/school agreement, anti-bullying policy and other useful information by clicking the link below;

Click here to access key policies