St. Augustine’s

Catholic Academy

Parent Pay

Part of the All Saints Catholic Collegiate.
A company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 8709352.

Registered office address:-
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Spring Garden Road
Stoke on Trent

Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate

Pupil Leadership


At St Augustine's we love to have our pupils leading in lots of different areas, from lunchtime games to worship! These opportunities give our children the chance to learn leadership skills that will be relevant in all areas of their lives, now and in the future. Read below to find out about some of the areas where our pupils are showing excellent leadership skills:

Year Two Saint House Group Leaders

In Year Two there are 8 children who lead our Saint Groups for Key Stage One and the Early Years. They are children who display the values of their saint in their everyday life allowing the younger children to see them as role models. They lead their Saint group in our Friday Faithful worship times with reflections and prayers.

Felicity, what do you do as a Saint Group Leader?  We lead prayers and we help with assemblies.
How do you feel about it?  I feel faithful.
Why do you think you are good at it? I think I am good at it because I believe in God so much.

Spiritual Leaders 

Each class from Nursery to Year 6 have nominated Spiritual Leaders.  Aimee- Mai explains her role and responsibilities below alongside Isabella who illustrates how important this role is to others. 


'To be a Spiritual Leader...' by Aimee- Mai 

To be a Spiritual Leader you need to be someone who can offer encouragement. We meet every week so that the best support can be given to others. Like most jobs in the class, it is a job where you work hard and set everything up each morning. The daily duties include: leading class prayer, putting up new formal prayers, taking part in class liturgies and caring for prayer areas around the school. I also run class liturgies, designed to inspire others in faith. It’s fun to be a Spiritual Leader because when we are trying to explain something we can act it out – there are lots of different ways to share the Gospel. Being a spiritual leader is an important job as it helps the teachers to plan whole school assemblies and Wednesday word.


'How the Spiritual Leaders Support me' by Isabella 

Our class spiritual leaders always brighten up my school day. Their prayers and class liturgies put a big smile on my face, and the school wouldn't be the same without them. They are kind and approachable, whether you need advice, or you want to come closer to God with them, and I hope they will help somebody form a bond with our Heavenly Father, especially during troubled times. They run prayers during our break time and I find these areas really comforting to retreat to whenever I feel sad, worried, or angry. The class prayers are also very comforting to listen to, and never fail to put a grin on my face later in the school day. The leaders are also loyal and reliable, as they will carry out some of the school's biggest tasks, like hosting important assemblies, creating and hosting liturgies in their own classroom, looking at how we can help charities and more. This description does not apply to only the Year 4 spiritual leaders, however. All the classes' spiritual leaders are doing their bit. I salute the spiritual leaders in everything they do for our school, and I love everything they do for us.


Playground Leaders


'I really enjoy lunchtimes at our school because we have time to hangout with friends and the lunchtime staff are really helpful and kind. I have a packed lunch but the school meals look delicious and I would love to eat some. I like having fresh air after lunch as well and having time to play with my friends. Talking to the lunchtime staff is also fun and are helpful in difficult situations. Lunchtime is my favourite part of the day and I enjoy it a lot!'



'My opinion of lunchtime is really good because, to pack away, we get all the toys across the whole playground and put them inside the toy shed and it 'doesn't take that long to pack away either so we have time to ourselves! My favourite things to do is football, tennis and playing with the scoopers. That's why I like lunchtime!'